Episode 158: Recording Woes, iTunes Speculation, and Optical Zoom For iPhone

Jake Wrobel

Jake Wrobel

In this episode, we talk about iTunes changes, the rumored iPhone optical zoom, and other things.News – iMore article ‘Secret team’ reportedly working on App Store changes, including paid search results, PetaPixel article This Patent Shows How Apple Could Add Optical Zoom to the iPhone 7, PetaPixel article The Miggo Pictar Grip Uses Ultrasound to ‘DSLR Your iPhone’

Apps Mentioned: Snapseed, Enlight,

Post Pic of the Week Winner: Jake Wrobel
Lenses & Accessories – Ztylus, Olloclip, Moment Lens
Email The Show – tinyshutter@gmail.com

Alpha Geek Radio – Channel 2 At 9PM EST/6PM PST

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